Agency for Prevention of Corruption

APC launched an initiative to eliminate corruption risks in the field of public companies

July 21, 2022

Dedicated to the role of an important factor in the creation of anti-corruption policies, on July 19, 2022, the APC sent the Initiative for the unification of the legal framework that regulates the most important issues of management, supervision, real and potential conflicts of interest and transparency of the work of the management bodies of public companies to the Prime Minister of the Government of Montenegro

In its activities, the Agency has on several occasions reviewed the elaboration of legal procedures related to issues of management, supervision, real and potential conflicts of interest and transparency of the work of the management bodies of public companies.

At the same time, the uneven practice of normative regulation of this area, variable or non-existent criteria for the selection of directors and members of the management boards of public companies, undeveloped procedures, i.e. non-transparency of the selection and dismissal process in relation to these positions, was observed, as well as uneven practices when it comes to management severance pay and monthly work compensation.

What additionally engaged the Agency's resources on this topic was the implementation of the three-year project "Southeastern Europe - Together Against Corruption (SEE-TAC)" implemented by the Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative (RAI), in partnership with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), which is implemented with the aim of creating sectoral corruption risk assessments in legislation with checklists in the areas of higher education and public companies.

The Initiative recognizes the following issues as particularly important:

- professionalization of the management of public companies, through the provision of clear criteria and guidelines for the selection of members of the management boards and directors;

- predictions of clear mechanisms for controlling the work of managers and their collective and individual responsibility for work and work results;

- increasing the transparency of work of public companies;

- introduction of criteria that foresee upper limits for monthly remuneration for the work of managers of public companies, as well as the amount of their severance pay;

- regulating the issue of conflicts of interest, potential and actual, in the decision-making processes.

Committed to the mission of protecting the public interest and affirming the rule of law, the Agency for Prevention of Corruption will continue to make a full contribution to the improvement of the legislative framework in the field of corruption prevention.

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