Agency for Prevention of Corruption

Participation of APC’s employees in training on control of non-monetary contributions to political entities and campaigns by third parties

July 9, 2021

With a commitment to institutional development and cooperation with partners on the path to European integration, employees of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption participated on Wednesday and Thursday in the "Training for APC on control of non-monetary contributions to political entities and campaigns by third parties ", organized by the Council of Europe Program Office - Project to fight economic crime.

During the training, representatives of the Agency, presenting examples from best practice from the United States, Latvia and France, were introduced to mechanisms for detecting and prosecuting campaigns by third parties or violations of regulations on non-monetary contributions, with analysis of existing legislative framework in this area and proposals to improve it.

Pointing out that Montenegro has a solid foundation of a relatively well-regulated system of campaign financing, high-level transparency and capacities for supervision and implementation, Latvian expert Lolita Cigane pointed out that it is necessary to deepen the understanding of the concept of non-monetary contributions, strengthen the already existing practice of their supervision and define, regulate and monitor the participation of third parties in campaigns.

The training was organized within the second phase of the Project for the Fight against Economic Crime in Montenegro (HF II AEC-MNE), funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe, and conducted by the Department for Economic Crime and Cooperation of the Council of Europe. The aim of the project, which will support the process of implementing the specific key recommendations of the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) and the Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Measures against Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (MONEYVAL), is to support Montenegro's efforts to prevent corruption, money laundering and terrorist financing in accordance with European standards.

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